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Privacy policy HTM bike app

This Privacy Policy applies to all personal data that HTM Personenvervoer NV (hereinafter “HTM” ) processes from its users of the HTM Bike App.

HTM reiziger laadt telefoon op in HTM bus

We process data entered by individuals themselves on online forms such as data for applying for an annual season ticket, data related to questions, complaints, claims, found and lost items. To monitor the safety of you as passengers and our employees, we use camera images and possibly bodycams in our vehicles and at bus stops. This privacy statement describes how we process personal data and what we use it for. First and foremost, HTM complies in all cases with the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) and the AVG Implementation Act, the Police Data Act (WPG) and the Passenger Transport Act (and Decree) 2000.

HTM offers part of its services by means of apps. For the proper functioning of the app, HTM may request permission to access and process certain personal data upon installation. How we as HTM process passenger data in the app, and what we use this data for, can be read in our “privacy statement

This Privacy Policy applies to all personal data that HTM Personenvervoer NV (“HTM” ) processes from its users of the HTM Bike app. If you have registered via the HTM Bike app and provide HTM with your personal data, you expressly consent to the processing of your personal data in line with this Privacy Policy. We advise you to read through the Privacy Policy and keep it for your own records.

1. Responsible party

The party responsible for processing personal data is: HTM Personenvervoer NV, PO Box 28503, 2502 KM The Hague The data protection officer can be contacted at

2. What data does HTM process and for what purpose?

In the context of your registration/account, the following personal data will be processed:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Bank and/or credit card number
  • Photos sent by user

HTM processes the personal data referred to under 2.1 for the following purposes:

  • your name, telephone number and e-mail address will be used for contact regarding your registration and possible cancellation thereof, registration and deregistration for the benefit of 3rd bodies, for the provision of information requested by you or the handling of information obtained from you.
  • your name and telephone number will be used to send invitations and information about HTM services and activities;
  • your name and bank account number will be used to settle payments and services purchased;
  • your personal data may also be used for historical and/or statistical purposes.
  • Any photos you send us to support what you have described in your help ticket will be used by us to provide you with the best possible service in answering your question.
  • Please do not send any personal information as a photo.

Your name and phone number will be used for up to one year after the end of the agreement to ask you about your experiences with HTM Bicycle app and to inform you about the developments of the app. You can edit your data yourself in your online account if you are registered.

We only use your data to:

  • Enable the use of the HTM Bicycle;
  • Analyze them internally in order to improve our service;
  • Compile anonymous statistical data.

3. E-mail notification: HTM uses your name and e-mail address to send you its e-mail newsletter with information about activities, services and other interesting information about the HTM Bicycle.

Unsubscribing from these mailings is possible at any time via the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the mailing. HTM processes your personal data on the grounds listed below in the AVG:

  • your consent
  • performance of the agreement
  • legitimate (business) interest

4. Click behavior

Our website/app tracks general statistics about the use of our website/app, such as the most requested pages/tabs. The purpose of this is to see how many visitors view the website and app, how much time they spend on the website/in the app, which pages/tabs are visited most often, what information is downloaded most often, etc.

In this way, we can optimize the design of the website and app so that we can further improve our services through the website/app, for example, to give our customers more targeted information. To be clear: this is therefore general data that is recorded. No personal data are collected from visitors. No personal data of yours are ever recorded via the Internet without your explicit instruction or consent, for example when requesting information.

We process data that cannot be traced back to individuals for such purposes as market research, management information, usage by location, the development of products and services to improve services and the execution of marketing campaigns.

HTM will comply with applicable laws and regulations, including tax laws and regulations.

5. Use of cookies

Visitor data are recorded on the website to measure interest in the various sections of the site. This enables HTM to adapt the website to the interests and experiences of visitors and to facilitate access to and use of the website. HTM uses temporary cookies for this purpose; a small file stored on the hard drive of your computer. The cookies do not contain any personal data. If you do not want this, you can block the use of cookies in your web browser. All parts of our website will then still be readable.

Google places a cookie for the Analytics section. Google may provide this information to third parties if Google is legally required to do so by the U.S. or Dutch government, or insofar as third parties process the information on Google's behalf. If you wish to block all data processing by Google Analytics, you can do so via your browser.

6. Retention periods

HTM will process and store your personal data for the duration of your membership and for up to one year after the end of this membership. Personal data will then be destroyed. Tax data must be retained for 7 years in accordance with the General Tax Act.

7. Security measures and processors

7.1 To protect your personal data, HTM has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures. In all cases, HTM complies with the General Data Protection Regulation.

7.2 To process personal data, HTM uses the services of third parties, so-called processors. We have entered into a processing agreement with the processors.

7.3. HTM will not pass on your personal data to third parties. However, HTM is obliged under laws and regulations to cooperate and provide personal data to investigative bodies, such as the police, tax authorities or the Dutch Fiscal Intelligence and Investigation Service (FIOD), if requested to do so. In such cases, HTM will carefully investigate the competence of the investigative body in question and will of course also comply with the requirements set out by the AVG in relation to this legal obligation.

8. Right of inspection, deletion and complaints

8.1 Via, you may submit a request to inspect, receive, amend or delete your personal data. HTM will process your request and inform you within one month of receipt.

8.2 If you wish to object to the (further) processing of your personal data as referred to in article 2, you can also contact

8.3 If you have any complaints about the way HTM processes your personal data or handles your requests, please contact

8.4 Any other questions or comments about this Privacy Policy can be addressed to The general terms and conditions of HTM Bicycle apply. If you believe that HTM has not acted properly in response to your comment or complaint, you can leave a report with the Personal Data Authority at

9. Changes

This Privacy Policy is subject to change. Changes will be posted on the Website. We advise you to regularly review the Privacy Policy. If you find links on our website and app to other websites of other organizations and use them, HTM bears no responsibility for how these parties handle your personal data.

Updated: October 2023