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Altijd korting abonnement

Reizigers zitten in HTM tram en kijken naar de camera

Do you often take the tram, bus and metro, including outside South Holland?

Then choose the Altijd korting abonnement and travel with at least 20% discount on city and regional transport.

The discount depends on the age of the cardholder, this can be up to 47% !


Child (4 to 11 years)

47% discount

34% age korting + 20% Altijd Korting abonnement = 47% discount on the trip.

When you turn 12, the discount remains 47% until the end of the validity of the monthly season ticket.

Youth (12 to 18 years)

40% discount

When you turn 18, the discount remains 40% until the end of the validity of the monthly season ticket.

Adult (19 to 64 years)

20% discount

When you turn 65, the discount remains 20% until the end of the validity of the monthly season ticket.

Senior (65 years and older)

47% discount

34% age discount + 20% Altijd Korting abonnement = 47% discount on the trip.

  • This season ticket can start on any day and is valid until the corresponding day of the following month.
  • This travel product does not work in combination with other discount schemes.
  • You can request a free refund up to and including the second day after the start of the subscription, if you have not yet use the subscription.
  • Het Altijd korting abonnement gives a discount on the boarding fare and on the kilometre fare, as mentioned in article 4 of the National Fare Framework ll.
  • Checking in and out with the OV-chipkaart when you get in and out from the vehicle is mandatory.

Where to use and where is it valid?

Where to buy? 

  • HTM Service shops (Maandabonnement + Jaarabonnement)
  • HTM webshop (Maandabonnement + Jaarabonnement)

The Altijd korting abonnement is possible for public transport from:

The Altijd korting abonnement allows you to tvrale on all buses, trams and metros of city and regional transport in the Netherlands.

Het Altijd korting abonnement is not possible when travelling with:

  • The train
  • Night nets
  • OV over water (for example water buses and water taxis)
  • Neighbourhood buses (unless a city or regional carrier indicates otherwise)

Which OV-chipkaart?

The Altijd korting abonnement can onlye be loaded onto a personal OV-chipkaart, which shows the user's photo. The Altijd korting abonnement cannot be issued on an anonymous OV-chipkaart or Bedrijvenkaart.

Rate of Altijd korting abonnement in 2024:

From € 21,55 per month.

Please note: when you buy an annual subcription, you pay onlye for 10 months.


De Algemene Vervoersvoorwaarden and the  Privacyverklaring are apply. More information about the Altijd korting abonnement can be found here.

When you apply for the OV-chipkaart, a travel product from a transport company and while travelling, personal data is obtained from you. These data are needed, among other things, to execute the concluded agreement. The personal OV-chipkaart is purchased from the card issuer Translink. Translink is responsible for processing the personal data in connection with the card, including termination, blocking in case of loss and theft. The travel product is purchased from the transport company itself. The transport company is responsible for processing the personal data related to the travel product and you the travel data. The processing of personal data by the transport company is subject to the privacy policy of the transport company, which can be viewed on the website or requested from the Customer Service Desk.

HTM Personenvervoer NV
P.O. Box 28503
2502KM Den Haag
Chamber of Commerce number : 27014495
VAT number : 8074.97.964.B.01